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Frequency Used By RFID Inductive Coupling A

Jan. 21, 2019

ABS LF RFID Card (RFID) generates and radiates electromagnetic waves. Because RFID systems have to take into account other radio services and cannot interfere with other radio services, RFID systems typically use the ISM band that is specifically reserved for industrial, scientific, and medical applications. In addition to the ISM band, RFID also uses a frequency between 0 and 135 kHz. In 2007, China also specifically allocated a frequency band for RFID.

There are two main ways to transmit RF signals between RFID readers and electronic tags. One is inductive coupling and the other is electromagnetic backscattering. These two methods use different frequencies and work differently.

(1) RFID system less than 135 kHz

The band's electronic tags operate at low frequencies, with the most common operating frequencies being 125 kHz and 135 kHz. The operating characteristics and applications of the Call Hybrid RFID Card in this band are as follows.

• Operating frequency is not regulated by radio frequency.

· Reading distance is generally less than 1m.

· High inductive coupling power for electronic tag use.

· Wireless signals can penetrate water, organic tissue and wood.

· International standards related to low frequency electronic tags are ISO11784/11785 and ISO18000-2.

Typical applications for motor vehicles include remote keyless entry (RKE), passive keyless entry (PKE), and passive keyless start (PKS). At present, there are about 1 billion electronic key-type electronic tags in the world.

Typical applications for animals and livestock are: animal identification, animal husbandry, livestock raising and freezing chains.

Typical applications for commercial and industrial applications include: store alarm security systems (EAS), industrial laundry, pallet monitoring in commercial transportation, container identification (eg, butane gas storage tanks), tool identification (eg, hospital trolleys), 20-inch container monitoring, luxury monitoring and casino chip monitoring.

Typical applications for the public sector include: Paris tree monitoring (health conditions, watering), access control for high security areas such as airports, library book inventory and membership card records.


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