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Application Of RFID Technology In The Pharmaceutical Industry

Oct. 21, 2019

With the rapid development of RFID technology, the use of RFID technology has also been invested in the management of pharmaceuticals, especially in the areas of drug anti-counterfeiting, tracking and supply chain management. What is the specific performance? Our RFID Blocking Card Supplier will come to tell you.

In the past 100 years, major drug-related incidents have occurred frequently, especially the problem of counterfeit and inferior drugs, which has made people aware of the importance and urgency of strengthening the safety supervision of listed drugs. Counterfeit drugs not only bring economic losses to people, but also bring great harm to people's medical treatment and even threaten people's lives. The masses of the people hate the fake drugs. Even some medicines have exceeded the expiration date. After being repackaged by illegal workshops, they have once again entered the circulation link, seriously endangering people's lives and health.

At the same time, because the therapeutic effect of counterfeit drugs is quite different from the genuine drugs of pharmaceutical companies, or there is no medical effect, and even worse, the disease is seriously damaged, which causes serious damage to the reputation of drugs, affecting the normal production and benefits of drug manufacturers.

These counterfeit drugs are not only the natural enemies of drug manufacturers, but also make consumers frightened when buying drugs. So, how can we resist the inferior drugs and expired drugs to enter the circulation? How to identify these drugs better and faster? True or false? RFID electronic tags are one of them.

RFID Sticker Label Tag

RFID Sticker Label Tag

1. Meaning

With the rapid development of RFID technology, the use of RFID technology has also been invested in the management of pharmaceuticals, especially in the aspects of drug anti-counterfeiting, tracking and supply chain management.

RFID electronic tags are distinguished from RFID Sticker Label Tag by features such as large storage capacity, fast transmission speed, non-counterfeit, and concurrent identification. They can be tracked in real time from the production, distribution, and sales of drugs, and use end products. Record and upload relevant data in real time.

In this way, accurate information flow can be obtained instantly, and monitoring in the circulation process can be enlarged and improved, anti-counterfeiting can be effectively realized, and counterfeit medicines can be injected into the market, which largely ensures the safety of medicines.

2. Features

01 Drug unique identification

In the pharmaceutical processing process, each drug packaging box is labeled with an electronic identification, and the unique identification code is given. The drug administrator scans and records information about the properties, production and use of the drug. This operation needs to be completed in the pharmaceutical processing.

02 Supply Chain Tracking

When the medicine is sent to the place of sale by the manufacturer, the warehouse management system records the time, place and seller of the electronic label, and traces and monitors the whole process from the factory to the distribution to the sale.

03 Drugs can be traced back to the source

By scanning the RFID electronic tag on the drug, the consumer can know the properties, production date, expiration date, date of manufacture, distribution seller and other information of each drug. Most of the information about drugs forms a traceable data link through the unique identification of drugs.

3. Technical advantages

01. Unique identification of each box of drugs to ensure that identification information is not copied or tampered with.

02. Due to the unique identity of the drug, the whole process of drug production, circulation and sales can be monitored and traced.

03. The recognition speed is fast. RFID drug management features fast scanning and can get thousands of messages in one second.

04. The RFID electronic tag reads information with transparency and no barrier, and can penetrate the non-metallic materials such as paper, wood and plastic to identify the attribute information of the item.

05. High security. Because RFID tags carry electronic information, data content and operations, password protection can be used to make their content vulnerable to illegal forgery and alteration.

The quality of medicines is related to people's health. The promotion of RFID technology in pharmaceutical companies is conducive to raising the level of supervision, maximizing the prevention of counterfeiting and sales, improving the handling capacity of accidents, and enhancing consumers' trust in medicines and enterprises. At the same time, it is conducive to improving the informationization level and management ability of pharmaceutical companies, which is of great help to enhance the competition of enterprises.

The above is about the application of RFID technology in the pharmaceutical industry. If you are interested in RFID cards, you can contact us. We not only have various RFID cards, but also RFID Stickers Supplier. Welcome to buy.

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