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Application of RFID Wristband

Mar. 30, 2020

Woven RFID Wristband is a kind of smart RF shaped card that is convenient and durable to wear on the wrist. The wristband electronic tag is made of environmentally friendly silicone material, PVC material, DuPont paper, thermal paper and other materials, which is comfortable to wear, beautiful in appearance, decorative, and easy to carry; it can be divided into disposable wristbands and reusable wristbands.

RFID wristband combined with RFID technology is widely used in card, catering consumption, attendance management, swimming pools, washing centers, sauna centers, concerts, tourist attractions, playgrounds, airport parcels, parcel tracking, hospital patient identification, childbirth, baby identification and prison management, guardianship management, personnel location positioning, etc.

The following RFID Blocking Card Supplier will briefly introduce two cases.

1. Application of leisure places:

Compared with the traditional manual ticket sales check by manual statistics, the speed is slow, there are many loopholes, high error rates, and the disadvantages of a large amount of labor. RFID wristbands can greatly improve work efficiency and management level, effectively eliminate financial loopholes, and ensure economic benefits for enterprises. Implement comprehensive real-time monitoring and management. Visitors can simply interact with the facilities in the resort simply by swiping their wristbands.

2. Hospital applications:

Hospitals use Silicone RFID Wristband to accurately identify patients, prevent medication and care errors, and avoid medical accidents and disputes. On the one hand, it is quick and easy to identify patients and protect privacy. On the other hand, it can reduce medical risks, reduce medical accidents, and reduce the workload of nurses. The wristband chip can first determine the patient's injury situation. In the case of a large number of wounded at the disaster site, through the wristband scan, the doctor can determine which patients need the first operation and which patients can be transferred to the rear for treatment. By scanning the chip of the wristband and sending the information to the mobile hospital in advance, it can help doctors determine the surgical plan in advance. After arriving at the mobile hospital, the first operation is performed. You must know that every 1 second saved in disaster rescue can be saved Many lives. After preliminary calculations, this "wristband surgery" system can increase the efficiency of traditional disaster surgery by more than three times.

Silicone RFID Wristband

Silicone RFID Wristband

So how to buy a suitable medical wristband?

First, consider whether you want to choose a thermal printing medical wristband or a carbon ribbon printing medical wristband.

Thermal printing medical wristbands are made of thermally sensitive composite materials. They are waterproof, tearproof, and alcohol resistant. They do not require a carbon ribbon to print medical wristbands with clear writing and a long scanning period. It has good waterproof performance and can scan medical wristbands with a long scanning period, which can realize "one belt runs through the entire hospitalization cycle", which saves costs, saves medical staff time, and improves work efficiency. Carbon-printed medical wristbands are relatively soft, but because the toner is directly transferred to the surface of the wristband, the waterproof performance is slightly worse than that of thermal-printed medical wristbands.

Second, consider how large a medical wristband is needed for the hospital. The size of medical wristbands is mainly divided according to the age of the patient. The length of the wristband is generally divided into three types: 18cm (for infants and young children), 26cm (for children and adults), and 30.5cm (for European and American adults). It is 3cm for infants and 4cm for adults / children.

Finally, consider which manufacturer and type of medical wristband. It is better to choose medical brand wristbands made by big brands and manufacturers with softer materials. In this way, it is possible to avoid the occurrence of situations such as no guarantee of quality, inadequate service, and skin cuts of patients.

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