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Introduction Of Hybrid RFID Card

Sep. 01, 2018

An RFID smart card, also known as an integrated circuit card, is an Hybrid RFID Card. It is an integrated circuit chip embedded in a plastic substrate and packaged into a card form. In 1977, Motorola worked with one of its computer customers to develop the world's first smart card. Since then, smart cards have been popular with their thin and small size, advanced integrated circuit chip technology, and their ability to be deciphered and counterfeited. And has achieved unprecedented development in the world. At present, various smart cards are increasingly being used in various fields of the national economy and reaching into the daily lives of residents.

The RFID smart card is a Contact-Less IC Card. With small size, large capacity, long life and reusability, it can support fast reading and writing, non-visual recognition, mobile recognition, multi-target recognition, positioning and long-term tracking management.

Hybrid RFID Card

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