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Four Mainstream Application Scenarios For RFID Hard Tag

May. 16, 2019

Application scenario 1: RFID Hard Tag-based supply chain management in supermarket stores

In recent years, the rapid development of RFID technology has brought leap-forward development opportunities for the supply chain management of the retail industry. With the international retail giants such as Wal-Mart, Marks & Spencer, Metro, Albertson, and Target, releasing the mandatory use of RFID supply chain management technology, the competition between the finished product supply chain has become the key to the success of the future retail industry competition.

Application scenario 2: RFID Laundry Tag-based inventory management for footwear retailers

With the increasing penetration of RFID tags in the retail industry, the apparel industry is gradually introducing RFID technology into the entire management system. It is expected that the penetration rate will increase rapidly in the next few years. According to statistics, at the end of 2016, the global chain retail industry, which is dominated by clothing, demanded more than 5 billion RFID tags. Such as foreign Decathlon, ZARA, Uniqlo, domestic Haishu home, La Chapelle, UR, etc. have fully implemented RFID projects.

RFID electronic tags are used in the apparel industry for two reasons. First, the labels in this scenario are consumables. Once the electronic tags are transferred to the final link, that is, the consumers, the mission of the electronic tags is completed. Another reason is that due to its lower and lower manufacturing costs, the average cost of a single electronic tag in this application scenario in China is less than 1 yuan, which is generally for the price of a piece of clothing. Less than 1%.

Application scenario 3: RFID application for unattended convenience stores

Unmanned convenience stores are well-established, but they are basically inseparable from RFID technology. RFID tags are attached to each item for checkout, and monitoring systems and remote customer service are also available.

Application scenario 4: Application of supply chain logistics RFID

Through the use of RFID technology, it can improve the transparency of the supply chain logistics management and inventory turnover rate, effectively reduce the loss of stocks and improve the logistics efficiency within the enterprise.

RFID Hard Tag

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