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What Are The Technical Characteristics Of NFC?

Jul. 25, 2019

NFC, also known as short-range wireless communication, is a short-range high-frequency wireless communication technology that allows non-contact point-to-point data transmission (within ten centimeters) to exchange data between electronic devices. Do you know its technical features? China NFC Card Supplier would like to share with you.

NFC Card

NFC Card

Technical characteristics:

Like RFID, NFC information is also transmitted by electromagnetic induction coupling of the radio frequency portion of the spectrum, but there is still a big difference between the two.

NFC is a wireless connection technology that provides easy, secure and fast communication. Its transmission range is smaller than that of RFID. The transmission range of RFID can reach several meters or even tens of meters, but because NFC adopts unique signal attenuation technology. Compared with RFID, NFC has the characteristics of close distance, high bandwidth and low energy consumption.

If you need any information about NFC Card, feel free to let us know.

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