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The Development Of Communication Between Rfid And The Internet Of Things

Nov. 13, 2019

The Internet of Things (IoT) is known as the third wave of the world's information industry after computers and the Internet. The Internet of Things is an Internet network that realizes the connection between things and things. It realizes the interconnection of everything, intelligentizes everything, and provides more convenient services. This involves automatic identification technology, and RFID technology is the key. So what is the connection between RFID and the Internet of Things? HF RFID Sticker suppliers will come to tell you.

The practice of IoT was first developed at the Xerox Cola vending machine in 1990. In 1995, Bill Gates mentioned the concept of the interconnection of objects in his book The Road to the Future. In 1999, the MIT Auto-ID Center proposed a new physical Internet solution for real-time sharing of global item information. Subsequently, in 2004, Japan and South Korea respectively proposed corresponding concepts. At the 2005 World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), the ITU officially proposed the concept of the Internet of Things, defined as the Internet of affairs.

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In 2009, President Obama proposed the concept of “smart planet”, and Premier Wen Jiabao of China put forward the idea of “perceiving China”. In 2015, the “Internet Plus” action plan was first proposed in the government work report of our country, and IoT once again mentioned a new height. In 2018, with the development of artificial intelligence AI, IoT and AI formed the strongest team, IoT upgraded to AioT, and the Internet of Things entered the new track with 5G technology and AI technology.

From the essence of the Internet of Things, there are three levels of requirements: automatic identification and mutual communication of front-end entities; Internet networks for data transmission; and intelligent processing of back-end data. The automatic identification and communication of front-end entities is the foundation and focus of the entire IoT architecture. In fact, automatic identification technology began to develop a long time ago. With the continuous development of computer technology, combined with sensor technology, positioning technology and so on, it constitutes the core technology of the Internet of Things.

Automatic identification technology is the use of machines to identify entity objects. To put it simply, the identification device is used to automatically acquire related information of the identified entity object through the activity between the entity objects. For example, there are many applications of recognition technology in our life, barcode recognition in supermarkets, QR code recognition on Alipay WeChat scanning, biometric identification such as fingerprint iris, magnetic card identification such as bank card or credit card, campus card or bus card identification. , image recognition technology and radio frequency identification technology.

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is also an automatic identification technology that acquires and identifies information about physical objects through radio frequency signals. Radio frequency identification technology is a non-contact, automatic identification technology that collects and processes entity object information in real time quickly, efficiently and accurately. Radio frequency identification marks an entity object through an electronic tag, and uses an RFID reader to accept data of the entity object. RFID has strong anti-interference ability, can identify high-speed moving entity objects, and can also identify targets of physical objects at the same time.

Radio frequency identification technology developed in the radar technology of the 1940s, after more than 70 years of development, radio frequency identification technology is now widely used in various fields of society. For example, real-time monitoring and tracking of production in the manufacturing field, cargo tracking and delivery in logistics, such as Transportation High Frequency RFID Cards, mobile payments in the field of electronic payments, real-time monitoring and tracking in the field of environmental monitoring, and interconnection of electronic products in the smart home field, There are also many applications in the retail, medical, agricultural and public service sectors.

The development of the Internet of Things and RFID technology has now realized smart cities and smart homes, and the future of smart planets and perceptions will certainly be realized. Do you have any ideas for smart cities and smart homes? Welcome to discuss with our RFID Sticker Label Supplier.

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