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Introduction Of UHF RFID Sticker Label

Sep. 30, 2018

UHF RFID Sticker Label operate between 860MHz and 960MHz and can be classified into active tags and passive tags.

In operation, the radio frequency tag is located in the far field region of the radiation field of the reader antenna, and the coupling between the tag and the reader is electromagnetic coupling.

The reader antenna radiation field provides RF energy to the passive tag and wakes up the passive tag.

The reading distance of the corresponding RFID system is generally greater than 1 meter, typically 4 meters to 6 meters, and the maximum is more than 10 meters.

The reader antennas are generally directional antennas, and only the radio frequency tags within the directional beam range of the reader antenna can be read/written.

UHF RFID Sticker Can be used for membership management, points, consumer systems, card payment, school management, community management, access control attendance, identification, public transport, parking, tickets, etc.

UHF RFID Sticker Label

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