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What Advantages Does Rfid Have Over Traditional Barcode Recognition?

Dec. 16, 2019

Compared with the traditional barcode recognition, RFID has great advantages. What are the specific aspects? Warehouse Management UHF RFID Card suppliers will come to tell you.

1. RFID tag has strong anti-fouling ability

Traditional paper barcodes are easily damaged or contaminated, which will affect the correct identification of object information. RFID uses electronic chips to store information and can be protected from external environmental pollution, such as RFID Sticker Label Tag.

RFID Sticker Label Tag

RFID Sticker Label Tag

2. High security of RFID tags

Bar code production is easy and easy to operate, at the same time, it has the disadvantages of easy counterfeiting and poor information confidentiality. RFID tags use electronic chips to store information, and their data can be password protected by encoding, and their content cannot be easily forged and changed.

Advantages of RFID anti-counterfeiting technology:

Compared with other anti-counterfeiting technologies such as laser anti-counterfeiting technology and special printing symbol anti-counterfeiting technology, the advantages of radio frequency identification (RFID) are that each tag has a globally unique UID number, and it also has an encryption function. Storage space can carry more encrypted information or store data information related to actual applications. From the perspective of security or application flexibility, RFID tag anti-counterfeiting technology has unparalleled advantages.

Ticket anti-counterfeiting: In public transportation and tourist attractions, fake ticket incidents often occur. Using RFID electronic tag tickets instead of traditional tickets, not only improves the circulation rate of people, but also plays a role in security and anti-counterfeiting.

Certificate anti-counterfeiting: Internationally, in passport anti-counterfeiting, electronic wallets, etc., such as embedding RFID tags in passport covers or documents, for example, the promotion and application of second-generation ID cards are typical representatives in this regard. This technology will soon be used in the management of important certificate issuance. Is widely used.

Commodity anti-counterfeiting: Adding anti-counterfeiting labels in the process of product production and packaging is equivalent to providing a reliable way to identify the authenticity of products, which can protect the legitimate rights and interests of product manufacturers and consumers. On the other hand, the label itself has a storage function, so in some special applications, the label can also be used to store all key information during the life cycle of the product, providing convenience for the subsequent use of the product, not just for security purposes. 

3. Large RFID tag capacity

The capacity of one-dimensional bar code is limited, and the maximum capacity of two-dimensional bar code can only store 3000 characters. The capacity of RFID tags can be dozens of times the capacity of two-dimensional barcodes, which can realize the real "one object, one code", which meets the needs of increasing information volume and increasing information processing speed.

4. RFID can simultaneously identify multiple tags from a long distance

The barcode can only be scanned one at a time, and the distance between the barcode and the reader is close. RFID uses radio waves for data exchange. RFID readers can simultaneously identify multiple RFID tags over a long distance, and can process and transmit information through computer networks.

5. RFID is the cornerstone of the Internet of Things

It cannot be changed after printing. RFID uses electronic chips to store information, which can record any information of the item at any time, and can easily add, change and delete information. RFID can connect manufacturing enterprises and sales enterprises through computer networks, keep abreast of real-time information of products in the process of production, transportation and sales, realize transparent management of products, and realize the true Internet of Things.

The above is the advantages that RFID Sticker Label Supplier introduced to you compared with traditional barcodes. I hope to help everyone.

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