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Working Process Of Contact-Less IC Card

Sep. 09, 2018

The access control system using the Contact-Less IC Card is the induction card access control system. The proximity card access control system transmits information to the card reader through the proximity card. The card reader senses the computer through the controller or the electric lock, and the computer determines whether the card is valid. The card is then transmitted back. If the card is a valid card, the card reader will slam, indicating that it is a valid card. When the card is an invalid card, the card reader does not perform any action and does not have any sound.

Inductive access control systems are mostly used in large, small and medium-sized businesses, banks, Library Management High Frequency RFID Cards, and so on. The biggest effect is to easily control the attendance situation, quickly enter and exit, control the entry and exit population. When the company has a population of several thousand people, there is no need to queue up the card, the induction card reader can easily interpret the card number within a few seconds, and the employee swipes the card quickly and efficiently. . The inductive access control system can easily add or remove users. When the master is lost (there is also a machine on the market called the simulator), the mother card can be reset.

Contact-Less IC Card

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